Excess hazard due to cancer in Belgium

The risk of death from cancer (excess hazard) varies significantly with survival time, age and tumour stage at diagnosis. With financial support from Stichting tegen Kanker (Foundation against Cancer) the Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR) aims to use this project to map the excess hazard for Belgian cancer patients.

There are two component to the total risk of death for cancer patients: (1) the risk of death in the general population and (2) the additional risk associated with the presence of cancer, the excess hazard. To study cancer survival, the survival associated with the excess hazard is considered – this is known as the ‘net survival’.

The excess hazard is modelled as a function of survival time, taking into account sex, tumour stage and age at diagnosis. Age and survival time will be included as continuous variables in the model. The model results will be checked using subgroup analyses and estimated through agreement with net survival using the Pohar Perme method.

The excess hazard will be studied for a range of cancer types such as pancreas, oesophagus, stomach, lung, breast and colorectum.

Specifically, BCR aims to establish the following with this project:

- the evolution of excess hazard as a function of survival time;
- the association between excess hazard, and age and tumour stage at diagnosis, for a range of cancer types;
- trends in net survival with incidence year;
- net survival by sex, age, tumour stage and survival time.
Methodological innovation